
Breaking the Silos: Implementing ‘Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development’

The‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ will require a new culture of “shared responsibility,” described by the UN Secretary-General as based on agreed universal norms, global commitments, shared rules and evidence, collective action, and benchmarking for progress.

This includes new forms of solution-oriented, inclusive and integrative multi-stakeholder partnerships, which will be a key element of Agenda 2030 and efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In Seychelles some examples of such partnerships already exist and we should build and model on those which have proven to deliver meaningfully on commitments related to sustainable development. At the same time, there is an urgent need to mobilize new partnership initiatives that can accelerate the transition to environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development pathways to achieve the SDGs and ensure no one is left behind.


The Seychelles is one of the smallest sovereign states in world. In a micro-state like ours where human and financial resources are limited and where economic growth doesn’t solve the human capacity constraints but merely complicates it, partnerships are the only solution. The partnerships must be those that are transparent and accountable, based on long-term commitments, reflect national ownership, and can mobilize the cross-sector actors needed to advance the kind of integrated and scalable solutions capable of realizing system-wide change.

Nature Seychelles



Shah (L) Nature Seychelles CEO, with the Minister Cosgrow of Fisheries and Agriculture together with his delegation on a tour of The Sanctuary after a meeting to discuss future partnership in the sector