
Successful roll-out of Praslin coastal fishery plan is a disruption of the business-as-usual model

I congratulate the Praslin fishermen in particular the Praslin Fishers Association (PFA) for the finalization of the Praslin coastal fishery plan. The plan is now awaiting approval by the Cabinet of Ministers before it can be implemented according to the Seychelles News Agency (

Nature Seychelles is a member of the Praslin Fisheries Co-Management Coordinating Committee (PFCCC) chaired by the PFA and has been supporting this initiative because as it’s the first real co-management process for any natural resource in Seychelles. The PFCCC brought together Praslin fishers, the SFA and some key stakeholders like Nature Seychelles to enable the co-management process to be successful and for the eventual roll out the plan. Whilst the plan is very important for sustainable fisheries, the process underpinning it is as vital for all other sectors because it is a disruption of the business-as-usual model which is government making the decisions and leading the implementation.

I must also highlight the innovative vision of the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) which took on board this new approach and whose technicians and scientists worked very hard to make the process and plan a success. This is the right way to achieve effective management of other parts of the natural environment and there is a paramount need for transparency when co-management or management outsourcing of natural resources is to be undertaken. Co-management of fisheries resources will be legalized when the new Fisheries Bill which contains this provision is approved by the National Assembly, according to SFA sources.

The Praslin fishery co-management plan process is an example of what could be the norm in all sectors to achieve President James Michel’s recent call for national unity. The process and plan were funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Government of Seychelles/Global Environment Fund (GEF) project.

Nature Seychelles web news, July 2014