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Fisheries Transparency Initiative 2022 Report for Seychelles shows improved results 

(Seychelles News Agency) – The latest report of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) for 2022 for Seychelles shows there is a willingness for transparency in the sector, said a top official.  

Philippe Michaud, Seychelles national’ FiTI lead, made the statement in a press conference on Wednesday.  

“When a government has transparency and participation, it brings interest to the country and Seychelles has gotten a good reputation in the region and globally,” said Michaud.

He added that more still needs to be done, especially on available information on the Seychelles’ fisheries sector.

Fisheries is the second top contributor to the economy of Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean.

The 2022 FiTI Report presents a comprehensive array of data identified by the 12 thematic areas of the FiTI Standard. It has catch statistics across different scales of fishing operations to the health of fish populations, along with detailed information on access agreements and governmental subsidies within the sector.

The report also highlights the dedication of the national fisheries authorities to maintaining robust data collection practices and consistent information sharing with the public.